Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Beginning My Reflection *

For each example, write a detailed paragraph explaining why you are proud of this work. Then, write a detailed paragraph explaining how you accomplished this--what were the steps in the process that led to a positive result?

A project that gave me a positive spirit was the Newspaper Article, the reason why because cooperating with others brought me so many views in how a real newspaper business communicates with everyone working their best at their station. What I admired the most out of this project was how the group I was in cooperated well and split the big idea with certain sections like the 3rd Lincoln-Douglas Debate was split into 3 sections and they were both senators perspectives, and then the big idea overall of the whole debate. I was proud that my piece had a really good flow going on and had many people give really good compliments due to my writing and this became a really good highlight of my 11th grade.

The way I accomplished this project was that I was always really consistent of incoming drafts and having them ready by the next morning expecting more stages of drafting & revision. I also accomplished my writing piece with many different high-quality words, that enhanced my language in the humanities class because due to all the writing and reading in class, I manage to learn and rip words that would make my writing piece more interesting and enjoyable. I enjoyed so much the experience to work for a project in the newspaper business because I got to feel like a real editor.

My second product that came in through the diamonds in the rough was my H2O project, after striving for hard work and closely to the end giving up for a few days, I manage to thank one special person that provided me with ideas to still improve and to avoid giving up through a hard situation that I was facing in class. If it was never for that person I think that I would of rose up my comfort and would of let my grade be something that I deserved for a unfinished product. My finishing product was a informational video of Turbidity that I made throughout the weeks we were given and then still managed through to reference the outline and guideline papers to produce high quality.

These steps were pretty complicated at first, I followed my plans and outline to structure my video product and then just followed my interview process of originating with 12 interviews and then after picking out good informative footage. Slowly process through working in Final Cut Pro and not getting anywhere but slicing footage, few days got inspired to use iMovie program to make my life easier. The reason behind that was because the 1st day I almost had all my video done with the program being easier for my opinion. A day after expecting to finish product but a cause of malfunction in the iMovie program caused me to remain stumble for few days. After this roadblock happening to me, I troublesome did not know where to steer in a good direction after this because all I can remember were the words of randy that angrily-hurted me when he said " I'm Sorry, the deadlines today at 3:30". Overall I reached success because of that extra push a classmate gave me that necessarily wasn't expected to happen, I thank that person because she knew that I was emotionally damaged with my unfinished product. Now, I am able to pick myself up and gain motivation and confidence through this project that I expected never to finish.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sea Shepherd Gone LUDACRIS!!

Then, answer one of the following in a well-developed essay with thoughtfully chosen evidence:

1. Who is "right" in the controversy involving whaling and the Sea Shepherd?

I feel that paul watson is right in this situation because he is saving whales from extinction and he is doing so much to the point of risking his life. He has dedicated his life to protect whales from becoming bait from seaships. In the article of Neptune's Navy, watson shows that he is not correct from doing defending whales but he is located in international waters so, it's like a "Who Cares" situation. After reading alot from the article Watson is an expert at this game because he has been shooting down clowns years ago for their obsessive fetish with whales. He has been into many brutal attacks by other ships and their rebellioness and has received many beatdowns concerning for the protection of the whales. Watson has risked his life many times and has experienced twice almost-a-drowning situation and for him to still remain in
his ship for another adventure he has put up alot.

Watson has had many associations offer help such as recruiting more people, but he likes to ride with a limit of a few passengers due to the concern of life-risks that many people have paniced about. Watson is a type of person that has his head screwed-on-right and he knows what he is facing before he does it, so for his appreciation he has donor that donate or his expedition to continue and so he can change the marine life forever.

  • I believe Watson is right and now well respected from me

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

(2. Arana writes: "Isn't it time for the language to move on?" How do you feel about this? Why?)

The language of race identity has been twined together in many ways and has brought up successful views of accomplishments, on the contrary it has brought tension between racial history and preventing future advancements.

The way this article let me feel about Obama and his Bicultural Case and many
questions that were posed to the editorial about races feeling about his culture and many ways it can affect the presidency. The Language has changed through out the different generations that have passed on and came in, for many individuals they are stuck with the originated language they grew up in and it's hard for many to see over many experiences for example "The phrase was repeated in much the same form by one media organization after another. It's as if we have one foot in the future and another still mired in the Old South" - as said from Marie Arana in her Editorial. As Marie Arana touched up on her biracial experience and how her both races were distinct. Later spoke on her White racial trail of her mother was easy to trace and how her Peruvian side from her father took longer to analyze and it probably went way back that it can be crossed with African race.

I strongly disagree with Marie Arana because it can be a offensive question to many African Americans that actually try to forget their past, even though it can be really hard because it is a big impact of history that blacks faced and passed down the history through their bloodline. I disagree even though it might seem to other races that it should be already over even though old black folks still share their tales of the slaves. "Todo plátano tiene su manchita negra," as said from Marie Arana in her Editorial, probably can be true if you come to think of it but if you compare a small percentage to a big percentage like 50 % and up can mean something else because it becomes a big part of who you are. Even though it might seem more like we originated from the same place but others are farther to history while others are closer by skin color.

Color can make significance in appearance most of the time but also automatically categorizes individuals in wrong racial identities and achievements aren't reached . "I was trying to raise myself to be a black man in America, and beyond the given of my appearance, no one around me seemed to know exactly what that meant."- said from Barrack Obama in the memoirs "Dreams from my father", What I believe he is trying to explain is that he tried to do his best in the suit he was in but many people judge by appearance and were lost by where his goal was heading. Many racial views are being criticized because ages back best positions were given to the whites and all other races still didn't have a small lift to overcome back then. Now, The black culture is view in many positions that are superior for example slave-descendants Tiger woods, Halle berry and many more are achieving life-long goals and are posted on the media.

The future depends on individuals to make it and it's constantly being misjudged by racial criticism and that is the reason why many races judge. Many racial identities are only used to seeing one race being superior in dominant offices and that prevents opportunities for many colored individuals to accomplish goals because of tension that prohibits future advances because unity becomes an issue. "But Obama's ascent to the presidency is more than a triumph for blacks. It is the signal of a broad change with broad ramifications"- as Marie Anara said in her Editorial, this shows triumph for blacks as well shows tension to whites because the presidency spot is used to view itself being runned by a white individual while acceptance becomes an issue then leads to assassinations (for example JFK, and almost Obama, but plot was stopped before). It upsets me that we had acceptance for the past white presidents while our 1st biracial president can't get acceptance with his plan yet and strongly believe because of his color.

As we route through our general thought, we can tell the language still needs time to fade off over its history and realize new events are generating through life and acceptance is going to be a matter in future obstacles.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Part one...What are you thankful for this year?Part two...Post three specific things that you will accomplish for this project before TG break is over! Then, bring those things to school on Monday Dec. 2.Part three...Have a wonderful break! Spend time with your family and friends and definitely go outside and do something fun!
1st, I am thankful for all the people that are around me and their help that I receive from them, also my family because evn though moeny can be an issue sometimes we find ways to make it manageable to spend together and have a good time without having to spend a single dime. I am also thankful for my grand parents and them still be alive after multiple surgeries and I'm looking for ward to see them again if the Lord wants me to visit them at least one more time. I am thankful to have a roof over my head because many families since the crisis have been losing their homes due to financial issues. I hope everybody can have a great thanksgiving and cherish it with the ones you love and will always be there for you through thick and thin (Family).
I will be accomplishing many things, 2nd drafts of my script and maybe the interviews that I hope to take tomorrow, and hopefully I can so my partner and I don't have to worry alot. I hope to get interviews (I have my questions ready I just need a "Go") because that is my main worry and I don't want to have to do it over the thanksgiving break because I do not know any plans I have.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

H20 project assignment- +++++++++

What are you discovering so far?

What surprises you about this project?

What are your next steps to have a cool product and a great piece of writing?

What I am so far discovering is that it can be a simple project if you point your arrows in the right direction and have them lead to more knowledge through out the way. I have discovered that many requirements were needed for the 1st critique today and I had all research and information to back me up in case of approaching approval. Having all your research done and equipment this project goes by fast and smooth because least stress in one's mind.

What surprised me was that many things were being done for this project like infinite research papers & notes, then the directions were confusing because many people had different art installation like video, article, website and art. I felt confused and lost for the 1st week project was announced and now I feel better about it because I have everything jotted down on how my schedule is going to flow day by day.

My next steps to my cool product and piece of writing would be follow my daily schedule and overcome procrastination. Also constantly be editing footage or editing writing work for this project and repeatedly get help for a good striving grade. Make sure also have everything done and ready to go by the 8 of December so I can just relax after, and hopefully have my interviews go really well.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Product Examples

Post two examples of "products" that you can use as models for your own work in the H2O Project.

Analyze three specific aspects of each product. Explain how each aspect contributes to the overall success of the example you are citing.

Describe your own plans and how you can use these examples to guide your work.

"Does the appearance of clean-clear water deceive people into thinking is harmless?"

This question led me to come up with 2 products that will best fit my project later on as final products. I'm thinking of making a documentary video that will inform so far my studies and will have opinion from local beach volunteers and their wonder or belief of clear-water being harmless.

One aspect that can help me find success with the documentary video because it shows proof that I took part in that place and will also give many ideas from volunteers that were in my info video.

The other example product that I would use for my H20 project I'm thinking of making a few pamphlets and website noting everything that is needed so people will know if the question has relevant results.

One aspect that can help me succeed with this product is that pamphlets will be given in exhibition, and many people are going to be sharing with more outer people about it. The website will be a good example evidence for a future college project (that I will be prepared).

"A Time to Remember"

Read this editorial: Harvard Prof on Barack Obama, Integration & Inclusion (edit: the writers comments on African Americans, women and young people; be aware that there are many parts of the population that he could have mentioned, such as Native Americans, Hispanics, etc.). Now, describe the process of including one specific group of people into the overall voting population in America. What is the historical background of their story? What is the current state of their voting power in America? Be sure to include at least one link to a current story about this group of people and their role as participants in American government.

African Americans, their role in the U.S. History were always being the underdog of everything in society it was hard for African Americans to have a right to participate in a lot of things because they were in position of slavery and property to the white race. Now, Africans Americans have respect for what M L K Jr. spoke his position in rights, Then now a black president like Obama is up to good and in history he is now in the highest office spot in America. African Americans back then could not vote and for many years until various cases of black individuals rebelling for freedom. I'm really satisfied that finally the black culture had finally faced to others that their accepted just like all the other cultures. In this era the black race has a month dedicated for all the black fallen heroes that made history in America. So many accomplishments that have affected the black race with high envisioning, lower the limiting for many black individuals.

Black History Month (A time to remember the African Americans who changed the world)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

2- Part Blog...

Part 1:
Post your election reflection. How do you feel about the election? What are your hopes for America and your community in the next few years? What are your concerns for America and your community for the next few years?
Evaluate your own level of civic knowledge. What have we done well as a class to build your understanding of current events? What can we improve as a class (or you as an individual) to better build your understanding of current events? How do you feel in the numerous conversations about current events that take place outside of class?

I feel the Barrack Obama's Victory was fair even though some of his speech had some false information. I feel the election went really great, even though the electoral votes were close up for John McCain to catch up Obama. I'm a democrat and I feel good that black people have gotten closer to accomplishment ever since slavery was a big issue that affected all races, because rights were different before, but know it gives me happiness that Black people have arrived to a high position in presidential spot. Well, I don't mean to be biased towards by black side in me, but I hope we black people get certain privileges now that we have a black folk as our speaker to our country. Even though this is a pro to the black culture because now many black individuals are going to be able to succeed in many aspects of life, such as there is always big concerns to this Obama victory like assassination that has been attempted, so I fear that Obama is not going to last those 4 committed years in the presidential spot. I Believe in Obama and I know he is going to be a great Leader, and follow after Martin Luther King JR. just in a different position in Leadership!

I feel the way I got to understand current events always being found by using the Blogger forum, I feel that when I write blogs I have to really know what I'm talking about or else it won't make sense to many people that view it or me. I actually like the idea of us students having to search many article and type about them and speak free of our opinion towards the issue. I've been able to keep up with this assignment because it's interesting to do, and I'm constantly reminded of this. The way I think I can improve focus in class by replacing journal writing in class with current events being shared all the time by others or teachers and freely discuss about them. I opened my current event knowledge to expand and be more appealed to it as how I lacked before this class, before politics were just a issue now I focus on whatever is happening in the political world because it can affect many individuals like me. When I bring political conversations outside of class many look at me with a "Whata Hell Is He Talking About " Look and I feel that they need to be more open-minded because I am, irritation comes to mind many times because many are lost during the conversations or those don't know what to say

Part 2:
Post a highly detailed specific plan to develop your product for the H2O Project. You must post:
a) All resources needed
b) All people needed
c) A detailed schedule for yourself that runs day by day from tomorrow for two weeks.
Please be as complete as possible and be highly specific, accurate and responsible in this plan. your resources will be distributed based on the completeness of your plan.

Please also ensure that the google doc is 100% accurate and complete.

My Question- "Does the appearance of clean-clear water deceive people into thinking is harmless?"

My steps to develop this H20 project are by going to multiple different beaches that are polluted and some that are not so much and basically prove a point that water can be harmful no matter what state of cleanliness it has gone through and also ask random people of all kind that are found in the right place at the right time, I will ask people my thesis question and find their opinion. Basically after I got different samples of water treated I will explain to those people what the clear water contains and if it's harmful.

I will ask

  • Surfers
  • swimmers
  • beach people walking
  • Probability lifeguards or beach managers
There will be multiple question concerning if clarification is needed or if individual is interested. It depends on the situation really because I don't want to keep people waiting to long if they need to go somewhere.

I am going to need a camera that records footage and samples bags that contain water as evidence with a small cooler to keep bags in. Also I'm going to limit myself with enough interviews that support my case instead of too much opinion and no facts.

The 1st week of the 9th- 16th of November, I'm going to be as focused , but still be open minded about things but I am going to recover footage and evidence by this week and week after that, I'm going to finish up on anything that needs to be done like an essay or website or final edit on footage.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

2 questions !

Post two research questions that you are considering exploring for the H2O Project. With each question, post the beginnings of your research. This should consist of a summary of your ideas for each question accompanied by links to relevant documents, news stories, maps, images, video, or other media.

  1. Can a clear-beach appearance lie to the safety of avoiding pollution in the water?
My Ideas, I am going to actually surf the internet for further research on this question because it is a difficult topic to break down. But as I further found was that yes, clear water in beaches can still be polluted with bacteria and some sewage, but some areas are irritated by sewage and bacteria more because the own crowds of people don't become respectful and pick up trash. I'm going to have to connect a lot of topics together to be able to find out a really broad answer.
These links right here are my evidence:
2. How do different beaches keep up with maintenance and in what San Diego areas are they done often?

Some areas have sensors or water waste systems to automatically shut down a certain part of the beach or to evacuate and close down beach until further notice. In some areas their is many society problems that are concern with weather problems. All areas have different weather, so it all depends because other places are sunny, while others cloudy, so maintenance varies many times. I'm also using the appendix to show me throughout the years how certain SD Counties varied with closure, so I can get a simplified answer.
These links right here are my evidence:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"The ACORN Scandal", True Or False !

Compare the two current controversies involving voting rights in America: that of the ACORN scandal vs. the potential for vote-suppression. Be sure to use a minimum of five reliable sources. Your answer should be an in-depth piece of comparative writing.

"The real threats to the fabric of democracy are the unreasonable barriers that stand in the way of eligible voters casting ballots."

Listening, to this part of the ACORN story in the New York times, I just realized the ACORN Organization was not truly accurate in their voting polls by letting many voting volunteers insert their voting requests as fraud in the box. So, right now the ACORN Organization has many problems collecting their voting drive from low-income and moderate-income individuals to cast opinionated votes. Also Senator John McCain, has reported ACORN for being a fraud voter organization by submitting invalid registration forms, and so I think that's a big hit for McCain's campaign of probably losing the election. Such in this quote will explain what I'm talking about.

"In recent weeks, the McCain campaign has accused the group of perpetrating voter fraud by intentionally submitting invalid registration forms, including some with fictional names like Mickey Mouse and others for voters who are already registered."

It seems that ACORN has those problems explaining that because thy need to make sure to be careful and revise votes better for an equal fair chance for both candidates. This piece of evidence explains what they thought and have argued to their findings and even though some canvassers that cheated only constitute to count a percent:

"The group concedes that some of its hired canvassers have turned in tainted forms, although they say the ones with phony names constitute no more than 1 percent of the total turned in. The group also says it reviews all of the registration forms that come in. Before delivering the forms to elections offices, its supervisors flag any that appear to have problems."

I personally wish this would never happen because this voting luck can strike both ways and get one be responsible of an important vote that one submits because it can change presidential life and citizen life forever.

These were my relevant resources that helped me, and great evidence to the ACORN scandal.

NYTimes editorial on ACORN
Howard Kurtz on ACORN
Another WaPo article on ACORN

Monday, October 20, 2008

History so far with Political Parties in Debates!

Describe the 2008 Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates in their historical context.

The debates have changed through the whole sequel of Obama vs. McCain and Biden Vs. Palin. All four candidates stayed true to their understanding of change and as Biden & Palin chose their best to defend their political party leaders and their plan for a greater America.Even though Obama & McCain had some really annoying and bad confrontations against each other they were still able to post their plan on the field. As McCain and Obama as really strong candidates face each other they both showed their different style of play among jury and host.As McCain style of play; snitching and lying through his plan, half of what he commented to explained to America was still accurate to prove and go on with it. While Obama's new stage of plan changed his whole viewpoint around to see among issues in America, he was able to get enough votes to make his political party proud. As well as Biden protected his Political party leader, he proved to be more factual than what Palin would ever be. As you can see among these many debates growth was able to be identified throughout numerical order of debates.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Internet vs. Americans with approach of Democracy ~

How has the Internet affected the way that Americans approach democracy? How does the Internet and it's effects fit into the historical context of technology and democracy in America?

From my opinion, I feel there really isn't an specific way it affected since, Internet now or has been the next best thing for us humans so we do not know what is really put into effect till we see a big resemblance in change. I noticed that ever since debates has been going on and adding to the political issue, way more people have been more focused, because so much ads on the internet have been related to politics. This internet experience with politics can be a real good experience but at the same time it can be a bad idea too. The Con reasons are that rumors can be spread in a split-second and cause so much drama and false information, while it can have pros like online voters and online supporters or open awareness for people to view and make decisions on politically. As I remembered that my own saying goes like " you need envy from others in order to be recognized as true from many". I live with this quote my whole life and it has impacted me, and has made a lot of sense like Senator Obama, he needed odds (as maybe being the 1st black president in history) in order to overcome and be recognized by millions. Everyone needs something to overcome and surpass in life with a little struggle and at the end alleviation.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

~My Reflection about My Newspaper project~

"My Reflection About My Newspaper Article Project"

I am thoroughly proud of my written section of the newspaper article because I thought it flowed easily to a fairly understanding of students. I got many comments from many students in the class like pointing-out that the structure was used how it was presented to the class, and it made me feel good because overall through the years it seems my writing has slowly improved with bigger vocabulary and in-depth writing. I also think that I did a good job explaining various parts from my prospective of falling into a pro-Douglas point of view. I put so much time to take revision after revision that whole week that was given in class to perfect our essay writing to finally post on our newspaper article.

Things that I can probably improve on is having replaceable words substitute some basic words that are common used. I also just had 1 or 2 typos, but next time I want to perfect my masterpieces from now on.

My daily Journal need-to-accomplish were to constantly find updated info, and to also gather many Lincoln- Douglas images to turn them into the team, so we can improve on display of Newspaper Article. Also to look for quotes for Stephen A. Douglas, so I can prove as to have evidence for statement.

Overall, I thought that the News Article came out great from my opinion because I felt that it was neatly organized, and their was many great use of good titles & headlines and etc. It was genuine enough to prove upon for a 1st time creating an article with news-paper style. Really much can't be blamed if it was done on the 1st time, everyone messes up on the 1st attempt to something new. I'm proud of how we cooperated overall through the project, and how everyone was focused and doing their own tasks, then we collaborated at the end to collect everything and put it all together. This was a hard and stressful project at the beginning, but at the end everything resolved to be a great project.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Free choice !!

Free Choice! Find an article that relates to the most interesting thing we have discussed, read or done in class so far this year!

In this Humanities class, Politics has been going on since the 3rd week in class. I feel I progressed with this topic ever since 11th grade, because before I was pretty clueless throughout this subject and I really did not focus on this topic even though it was really widely-known. Since throughout the year this topic has been related to most of all projects in Humanities or in some how related to our in class subjects. Also since our teacher Randy is interested into Politics, we always find out the newest information in class.

In this article, it briefly talks about Senator John McCain finally reviewing and going back to his thinking steps, because he realized that his proposal was too short and he doesn't have enough money to become active. He finally is accepting Obama's reasons to actually accepting to offer his lending hand to pick up the economy. even tough, everyone else thought that this day will never come for McCain, but it did. If you noticed that through a Republican's Eye McCain did great,but through Democrat's view he just copied Obama's concept. That's political news that I always learn constantly !!

ABC News: The Note: Econ 102

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Licoln-Douglas !!

Describe your specific debate between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas in the context of the Lincoln-Douglas debates. Be sure to include relevant quotes and historical and/or biographical information.

Listening to debate 3 in Lincoln-Douglas debate in Jonesboro, Illinois from the Podcasts of Knox College. It seems to be a pretty interesting face-off since Douglas maintained to keep an anger below Lincoln's strive for the existence of slavery. Then also Stephen a Douglas had an important advantage towards location being out numbered by democrats, yet Douglas was still not actually well-known to at least become ahead. But since both candidates had the same mentality of anger in Jonesboro(Lincoln) and Freeport(Douglas) none of them have nothing to lose since they are both speaking in the enemy's territory.

Describe your initial thoughts regarding the 2008 Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates, given their historic context.

What I noticed and that I kept in my thoughts was that Barrack Obama really had a lot of respect for McCain because striking with aggressive hits was always done by McCain. I also feel that debates have been gone from a scale of calm to really aggressive thoughts and rude comments. Given through my debate reflections, I noticed that these debates were 1st seen to me to be really uninteresting, but know I feel that candidates have strange ways of directing hits to each other or showing bad sportsmanship. One thought that I had was if a candidate creates negativity in a debate and present it to a whole crowd of listeners, that candidate is seen as weak by attacking and not proposing anew plan to persuade listeners. I always hated when candidates attack each other, and not put up a good standard fight to protect their plan.

Lincoln-Douglas Debate 3 in Jonesboro Illinois- Podcast

Monday, October 6, 2008

What's this "Demographic" situation !

1. Explain how a particular demographic may be impacted by—or could impact—the election of one of the candidates for President.

In my definition, I thought that this was a difficult source to anonymously decide if this can be resulted to impact a candidate for presidential spot. I got an Idea that can probably affect John McCain since he really wants to just focus on the affects of the economy, but not really showing effort to stoop up the economy's problem financially. So, also many big things impact the demographics all the time like marketing, ratios of genders, ratios of race and much more daily affect our routine.
I believe that if a candidate was to get impacted by demographics for a good cause, I think that Obama would qualify since he is being open to many issues that our U.S. country falls behind like schooling for lower level ethnicities, and financially bank issues, weaponry equipment being bought for wars. All those issues, are studied through demographics and determine the ratio of problem and how it spreads through out the years.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

"Case Closed"!!, That's what Supreme Court thought

Choose a case in which the Supreme Court used the power of Judicial Review. How is this case relevant to American Society? How is this case relevant today?

This Issue has been revolving around societies among the world, and less discretion has been given to the discrimination against sexual Orientation. Bowers v. Hardwick case brought interesting steps to emancipate this civil rights issue against the ruling of the Supreme Court.

This case has become relevant through the years of American society. Especially, through the past few years when there was a struggle of support for independently sexual orientation, its view had a weak acceptance to close minded citizens. But for a short amount of time, some sense of respect has been given to show evidence that little by little everyone providing rights for sexual orientation. A great piece from the Bowers v. Hardwick case can show support for sodomy.“This case does not require a judgment on whether laws against sodomy between consenting adults in general, or between homosexuals in particular, are wise or desirable. It raises no question about the right or propriety of state legislative decisions to repeal their laws that criminalize homosexual sodomy, or of state-court decisions invalidating those laws on state constitutional grounds. The issue presented is whether the Federal Constitution confers a fundamental right upon homosexuals to engage in sodomy and hence invalidates the laws of the many States that still make such conduct illegal and have done so for a very long time.” In order of discovering that few states were allowing this sexual behavior among homosexuals, it was an astonishing moment for all the individuals that accomplished their goal. Also having rights to perform gay marriages, and rights to get treated equally among society. In this quote of Bowers v. Hardwick case shows a thorough explanation:“It is obvious to us that neither of these formulations would extend a fundamental right to homosexuals to engage in acts of consensual sodomy. Sodomy was a criminal offense at common law and was forbidden by the laws of the original 13 States when they ratified the Bill of Rights. In 1868, when the Fourteenth Amendment was [478 U.S. 186, 193] ratified, all but 5 of the 37 States in the Union had criminal sodomy laws. In fact, until 1961, all 50 States outlawed sodomy, and today, 24 States and the District of Columbia [478 U.S. 186, 194] continue to provide criminal penalties for sodomy performed in private and between consenting adults.”

During this Bowers v. Hardwick case,the supreme court tried to set trial on the the case. During 1986, Sexual orientation wasn't respected in the outer society and the supreme court has violated its means towards rights, laws, and amendments. In similar situations when it came to the ninth amendment it stated:

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” So when it comes to it all, this explains that it's unacceptable to discriminate others. Also, since everyone has rights on right was privacy, one's ownership of belongings needs consent to revise or to act on anything concerning one's things. Since this case was discovered through someone's home and violation of privacy, the supreme court was at fault. Today in societies view, ways have changed since a while back. Legalized gay marriage may never cause the transformation of society that some have predicted, given that it is likely to affect less than one in 100 U.S. married couples in the United States today.” Even though many societies around the world are against, it will show positive views to benefits of adopting kids (letting children experience living and being loved by a parents) and even though same sex-couples can't genetically produce they can still build up legal families. “Gay marriage, he said, will reinforce the idea that traditional marriages formed for the purpose of having children and providing a healthy mother-father environment is out, and alternative partnerships are in.”

When it comes to my opinion, I strongly agree for people to be able to cherish happiness in anyway, even if people can relate to being sexual oriented. I personally don't have nothing against the issue. I'm proud of all the people that overcame this issue and accomplished their goal to be accepted in human society.


1. Johnson, Ramon. "Gay Marriage Rights: Where Is Gay Marriage Legal?" About.com. 18 Aug. 2008. 1 Oct. 2008 <http://gaylife.about.com/od/samesexmarriage/a/legalgaymarriag.htm>.


3. "Sexual Orientation Protected by Civil Rights Laws." VoteMatch. 1 Oct. 2008 .

4. U.S. Constitution: Ninth Amendment, Find Law For Legal

Professionals et seq.

5. Vlahos, Kelley B. "The Real Impact Of Gay Marriage On Society." Fox News.com. 24 Mar. 2004. © 2008 FOX News Network. 1 Oct. 2008 .

Saturday, September 27, 2008

My Federal Privacy Law

"No one shall view or say anything insulting about one's place of living.With the words of LIFE,LIBERTY, and PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS this has to be followed by each class of man, strictly should not implicit personal or financial issues into an insult."

This is basically saying everyone should understand and remain personal info to each self, should also be courteous enough to explicit financial info. Also because what one has shouldn't be insulted even if that's the way it seems and each class of man should follow this privacy rule.

During the process of Judicial review, I believe that branches will distribute it while others will remain with other privacy amendments. This law might be distributed in some counties while other counties while find it to ignorant to state it because it's going further detailed.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Reflecting Throughout Work"

Blog Reflection

What are you most proud of on your blog? Why?

I am most proud of in my blog is overall, everything like how it looks and how all my blogs have long in-depth responses and pictures. I think my blog has a great outstanding background that follow the text color and the Theme. I believe that the gadgets that I added on purposely to create eye-catching business, to focus the readers on my background and responses, actually worked and go find with my blog.

What will you improve during future blogs? Why? How?

I will improve on making new and genuine eye-catchy headlines to interest more readers on my future blogs, basically I need a luring strategy to reel in the bait. I also want to continue on my writing and making it even more in-depth to make readers understand and enjoy my style of writing. Overall, throughout all the past years I feel that I improved my writing and I am more dedicated through my writing.

How has blogging impacted your understanding of:
-The U.S.?
-The Media?
-Current Events?
-"Old" News (i.e. The Constitution, Fed Papers, etc.)?

Blogging isn't a new learning technique for me but I can assure that it can be pretty interesting, and makes me want to free write and post many opinions on my blog responses. Many great blog writers actually take the time to post different issues that are involved in the world and include free voting polls in order to vote for the issue worldwide. Blogging is always constantly being done always has current events involved, media, U.S. issues, sometimes old news that provides evidence for new issues. I feel that blogging is connected no matter what, will remain being used as a reliable source to many people with curious minds.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Obama is at Fault or Another John McCain Strike to Fool ?

Did That ad fool you ?

Well basically, that Ad was a John McCain ad that he posted to all the people.That Ad was to fool the media and let them know that Barrack Obama's 1 accomplishment was for kindergartners to get a head start on "Comprehensive Sex education". How can sex be comprehensive, especially for Kindergartners. This ad has made it through free airtime and cable channels repeatedly getting the message.

To the contrary Obama said that he was really just letting the media know that these kids need to progress faster by knowing which body parts are unsafe to touch and to be able to recognize a pedophile. Obama really knocked everyone out when he spoke out about one of his relatives experience of getting abused at a young age. So, he has worries to let people know the truth instead of letting the child be hidden by it. Obama revealed to us that John McCain exaggerated when he posted that Obama was trying to approve a unified school law for kindergartners and how McCain was comparing schooling and learning how to read with "Comprehensive Sex".

This really funny this has a small connection with the feud of my previous blog dealing with Planned Parenthood fighting for a similar cause of teaching early to individuals.

Fact Check: Could Obama really do this to Kindergartners?

Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm with The Government!!!-Federalist

Do you think the government should step into the social issue of banks and stock corporations going almost bankruptcy?

I think the government should control their money loans for corporations that ask for it receive it. I also think loans should be given in small amount payments of the full amount payment. I also think that when this idea works and is used by the government, the government should get updates on the the company to see if they are doing good and if not then they can stop loaning money. There is many things the government can do but I feel they get pressured and really have a hard time thinking of new ideas that benefit them. I also feel that the banks are not at fault because they loan and they should do the same thing as well, so they don't get robbed.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

You are traveling with American Airlines, everywhere trusted !! Thank you!

Is Every irplane airline trusted?

Well, I am about to change your views forever .

American Airlines was being sued by a New York City man for losing his wife's dead body through the flying airlines. There was a misunderstanding when a funeral home sent the coffin to be sent at Guatemala, when the NYC man asked for him to meet the body in Guayaquil. So then he could have a burial over there with his family. As you can see that all this confusion made the man stressed, and delay the funeral in Guayaquil.

This connects to something we learned by learning about blogging and how it is a requirement in Randy's class and you can find out interesting articles.

ABC news:

NYC Man Says Airline Lost His Dead Wife's Body

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Should Stay-at-home Mothers get a job ? , Palin speaks....

Times are changing kids need more needs and one dollar now is not what a 1960's dollar used to be. As Palin speaks to very many republican and democratic crowds of people about Work-life Mom's vs. Stay-at-home Moms. Also how that becomes a situation where Work-life Mom's become a controlled group to be called federalists and Stay-at-home Mom' s become against it.

Does Palin have a point there that future comes 1st because that helps to structure the child's life as they grow, or Stay-at home Mom's have a point by staying at home an nurturing for the child because " Once a bad childhood, a scarred child hood for life.
Well, here Palin will give you her full 2 cents about her speech to the debate in ABC news!

ABC News: The Numbers and the Stay-at-home life for Mom's

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I'm Sorry, Wrong Person !

Haven't you ever heard the term of everyman for them self or it's free for all?

Well, sad to say was that Iraqi soldiers and police officers were facilitating their area when an unknown ships start to sail straight and so their was a miscommunication that the coded U.S. boats had their lights off , so it gave Iraqi soldiers no choice but to shoot and find out. So basically when U.S. troops arrived they have already shot 6 innocent people because they felt threatened and they were in fear thinking well, I'm going to defend my life before them. Both troops U.S. and Iraqi were speechless and couldn't react to anything because they were on the same side and so nothing else but to leave it as a mistake.

According to Thomas Hobbes theory of "The State of Nature" falls into this , not purposely but accidentally how one mistake can create a survival of the fittest. Their rights are that if another man is trying to harm you, you got to do your best to protect yourself and survive. A tough ending for both Troops but that shows lack of better cooperation and an gunfire exchange.

ABC News: U.S. Troops Mistakenly Kill 6 Iraqis

"One More Point for the Teens"

 Edited On 9/25/08

Is their really needed for a debate concerning this topic about sex education if it has been approved already?

This topic was stretched out and broken into 2 categories sex education and parent-offensive crossing the line. A planned parenthood in Ohio was stopped for crossing the boundaries when it came to a relation of the sex education topic. They stretched out many things and exaggerated a lot of information. They truly just basically found and explained sex education through the uncensored way by using many offensive terms to describe what sex education is about. there's many pros and cons to this so that's how it became a state-wide debate concerning if it was right or wrong.

Looking back to the John Locke theory, his idea was for everyone to go by and be free with the theory of LIFE, LIBERTY, PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. Through my own thought I agree that the Planned parenthood had a right to do this because this fell into liberty, how they are able to make it if they want, and it's their Pursuit of Happiness so I predict that as true. Last life, they are not harming anybody and before any school shows a sex ed video everyone has to commit and permission slips are sent home for parents consent . So, I think planned Parenthood had a point because they obeyed all rules and teens can't really live behind censored boxes their whole life.

ABC News :Edgy Sex Ed Videos for Teens **Spark** Debate