Tuesday, October 14, 2008

~My Reflection about My Newspaper project~

"My Reflection About My Newspaper Article Project"

I am thoroughly proud of my written section of the newspaper article because I thought it flowed easily to a fairly understanding of students. I got many comments from many students in the class like pointing-out that the structure was used how it was presented to the class, and it made me feel good because overall through the years it seems my writing has slowly improved with bigger vocabulary and in-depth writing. I also think that I did a good job explaining various parts from my prospective of falling into a pro-Douglas point of view. I put so much time to take revision after revision that whole week that was given in class to perfect our essay writing to finally post on our newspaper article.

Things that I can probably improve on is having replaceable words substitute some basic words that are common used. I also just had 1 or 2 typos, but next time I want to perfect my masterpieces from now on.

My daily Journal need-to-accomplish were to constantly find updated info, and to also gather many Lincoln- Douglas images to turn them into the team, so we can improve on display of Newspaper Article. Also to look for quotes for Stephen A. Douglas, so I can prove as to have evidence for statement.

Overall, I thought that the News Article came out great from my opinion because I felt that it was neatly organized, and their was many great use of good titles & headlines and etc. It was genuine enough to prove upon for a 1st time creating an article with news-paper style. Really much can't be blamed if it was done on the 1st time, everyone messes up on the 1st attempt to something new. I'm proud of how we cooperated overall through the project, and how everyone was focused and doing their own tasks, then we collaborated at the end to collect everything and put it all together. This was a hard and stressful project at the beginning, but at the end everything resolved to be a great project.

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