Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Licoln-Douglas !!

Describe your specific debate between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas in the context of the Lincoln-Douglas debates. Be sure to include relevant quotes and historical and/or biographical information.

Listening to debate 3 in Lincoln-Douglas debate in Jonesboro, Illinois from the Podcasts of Knox College. It seems to be a pretty interesting face-off since Douglas maintained to keep an anger below Lincoln's strive for the existence of slavery. Then also Stephen a Douglas had an important advantage towards location being out numbered by democrats, yet Douglas was still not actually well-known to at least become ahead. But since both candidates had the same mentality of anger in Jonesboro(Lincoln) and Freeport(Douglas) none of them have nothing to lose since they are both speaking in the enemy's territory.

Describe your initial thoughts regarding the 2008 Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates, given their historic context.

What I noticed and that I kept in my thoughts was that Barrack Obama really had a lot of respect for McCain because striking with aggressive hits was always done by McCain. I also feel that debates have been gone from a scale of calm to really aggressive thoughts and rude comments. Given through my debate reflections, I noticed that these debates were 1st seen to me to be really uninteresting, but know I feel that candidates have strange ways of directing hits to each other or showing bad sportsmanship. One thought that I had was if a candidate creates negativity in a debate and present it to a whole crowd of listeners, that candidate is seen as weak by attacking and not proposing anew plan to persuade listeners. I always hated when candidates attack each other, and not put up a good standard fight to protect their plan.

Lincoln-Douglas Debate 3 in Jonesboro Illinois- Podcast

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