Thursday, November 20, 2008

Part one...What are you thankful for this year?Part two...Post three specific things that you will accomplish for this project before TG break is over! Then, bring those things to school on Monday Dec. 2.Part three...Have a wonderful break! Spend time with your family and friends and definitely go outside and do something fun!
1st, I am thankful for all the people that are around me and their help that I receive from them, also my family because evn though moeny can be an issue sometimes we find ways to make it manageable to spend together and have a good time without having to spend a single dime. I am also thankful for my grand parents and them still be alive after multiple surgeries and I'm looking for ward to see them again if the Lord wants me to visit them at least one more time. I am thankful to have a roof over my head because many families since the crisis have been losing their homes due to financial issues. I hope everybody can have a great thanksgiving and cherish it with the ones you love and will always be there for you through thick and thin (Family).
I will be accomplishing many things, 2nd drafts of my script and maybe the interviews that I hope to take tomorrow, and hopefully I can so my partner and I don't have to worry alot. I hope to get interviews (I have my questions ready I just need a "Go") because that is my main worry and I don't want to have to do it over the thanksgiving break because I do not know any plans I have.

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