Saturday, November 1, 2008

2 questions !

Post two research questions that you are considering exploring for the H2O Project. With each question, post the beginnings of your research. This should consist of a summary of your ideas for each question accompanied by links to relevant documents, news stories, maps, images, video, or other media.

  1. Can a clear-beach appearance lie to the safety of avoiding pollution in the water?
My Ideas, I am going to actually surf the internet for further research on this question because it is a difficult topic to break down. But as I further found was that yes, clear water in beaches can still be polluted with bacteria and some sewage, but some areas are irritated by sewage and bacteria more because the own crowds of people don't become respectful and pick up trash. I'm going to have to connect a lot of topics together to be able to find out a really broad answer.
These links right here are my evidence:
2. How do different beaches keep up with maintenance and in what San Diego areas are they done often?

Some areas have sensors or water waste systems to automatically shut down a certain part of the beach or to evacuate and close down beach until further notice. In some areas their is many society problems that are concern with weather problems. All areas have different weather, so it all depends because other places are sunny, while others cloudy, so maintenance varies many times. I'm also using the appendix to show me throughout the years how certain SD Counties varied with closure, so I can get a simplified answer.
These links right here are my evidence:

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