Friday, November 7, 2008

"A Time to Remember"

Read this editorial: Harvard Prof on Barack Obama, Integration & Inclusion (edit: the writers comments on African Americans, women and young people; be aware that there are many parts of the population that he could have mentioned, such as Native Americans, Hispanics, etc.). Now, describe the process of including one specific group of people into the overall voting population in America. What is the historical background of their story? What is the current state of their voting power in America? Be sure to include at least one link to a current story about this group of people and their role as participants in American government.

African Americans, their role in the U.S. History were always being the underdog of everything in society it was hard for African Americans to have a right to participate in a lot of things because they were in position of slavery and property to the white race. Now, Africans Americans have respect for what M L K Jr. spoke his position in rights, Then now a black president like Obama is up to good and in history he is now in the highest office spot in America. African Americans back then could not vote and for many years until various cases of black individuals rebelling for freedom. I'm really satisfied that finally the black culture had finally faced to others that their accepted just like all the other cultures. In this era the black race has a month dedicated for all the black fallen heroes that made history in America. So many accomplishments that have affected the black race with high envisioning, lower the limiting for many black individuals.

Black History Month (A time to remember the African Americans who changed the world)

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