Thursday, November 20, 2008

Part one...What are you thankful for this year?Part two...Post three specific things that you will accomplish for this project before TG break is over! Then, bring those things to school on Monday Dec. 2.Part three...Have a wonderful break! Spend time with your family and friends and definitely go outside and do something fun!
1st, I am thankful for all the people that are around me and their help that I receive from them, also my family because evn though moeny can be an issue sometimes we find ways to make it manageable to spend together and have a good time without having to spend a single dime. I am also thankful for my grand parents and them still be alive after multiple surgeries and I'm looking for ward to see them again if the Lord wants me to visit them at least one more time. I am thankful to have a roof over my head because many families since the crisis have been losing their homes due to financial issues. I hope everybody can have a great thanksgiving and cherish it with the ones you love and will always be there for you through thick and thin (Family).
I will be accomplishing many things, 2nd drafts of my script and maybe the interviews that I hope to take tomorrow, and hopefully I can so my partner and I don't have to worry alot. I hope to get interviews (I have my questions ready I just need a "Go") because that is my main worry and I don't want to have to do it over the thanksgiving break because I do not know any plans I have.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

H20 project assignment- +++++++++

What are you discovering so far?

What surprises you about this project?

What are your next steps to have a cool product and a great piece of writing?

What I am so far discovering is that it can be a simple project if you point your arrows in the right direction and have them lead to more knowledge through out the way. I have discovered that many requirements were needed for the 1st critique today and I had all research and information to back me up in case of approaching approval. Having all your research done and equipment this project goes by fast and smooth because least stress in one's mind.

What surprised me was that many things were being done for this project like infinite research papers & notes, then the directions were confusing because many people had different art installation like video, article, website and art. I felt confused and lost for the 1st week project was announced and now I feel better about it because I have everything jotted down on how my schedule is going to flow day by day.

My next steps to my cool product and piece of writing would be follow my daily schedule and overcome procrastination. Also constantly be editing footage or editing writing work for this project and repeatedly get help for a good striving grade. Make sure also have everything done and ready to go by the 8 of December so I can just relax after, and hopefully have my interviews go really well.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Product Examples

Post two examples of "products" that you can use as models for your own work in the H2O Project.

Analyze three specific aspects of each product. Explain how each aspect contributes to the overall success of the example you are citing.

Describe your own plans and how you can use these examples to guide your work.

"Does the appearance of clean-clear water deceive people into thinking is harmless?"

This question led me to come up with 2 products that will best fit my project later on as final products. I'm thinking of making a documentary video that will inform so far my studies and will have opinion from local beach volunteers and their wonder or belief of clear-water being harmless.

One aspect that can help me find success with the documentary video because it shows proof that I took part in that place and will also give many ideas from volunteers that were in my info video.

The other example product that I would use for my H20 project I'm thinking of making a few pamphlets and website noting everything that is needed so people will know if the question has relevant results.

One aspect that can help me succeed with this product is that pamphlets will be given in exhibition, and many people are going to be sharing with more outer people about it. The website will be a good example evidence for a future college project (that I will be prepared).

"A Time to Remember"

Read this editorial: Harvard Prof on Barack Obama, Integration & Inclusion (edit: the writers comments on African Americans, women and young people; be aware that there are many parts of the population that he could have mentioned, such as Native Americans, Hispanics, etc.). Now, describe the process of including one specific group of people into the overall voting population in America. What is the historical background of their story? What is the current state of their voting power in America? Be sure to include at least one link to a current story about this group of people and their role as participants in American government.

African Americans, their role in the U.S. History were always being the underdog of everything in society it was hard for African Americans to have a right to participate in a lot of things because they were in position of slavery and property to the white race. Now, Africans Americans have respect for what M L K Jr. spoke his position in rights, Then now a black president like Obama is up to good and in history he is now in the highest office spot in America. African Americans back then could not vote and for many years until various cases of black individuals rebelling for freedom. I'm really satisfied that finally the black culture had finally faced to others that their accepted just like all the other cultures. In this era the black race has a month dedicated for all the black fallen heroes that made history in America. So many accomplishments that have affected the black race with high envisioning, lower the limiting for many black individuals.

Black History Month (A time to remember the African Americans who changed the world)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

2- Part Blog...

Part 1:
Post your election reflection. How do you feel about the election? What are your hopes for America and your community in the next few years? What are your concerns for America and your community for the next few years?
Evaluate your own level of civic knowledge. What have we done well as a class to build your understanding of current events? What can we improve as a class (or you as an individual) to better build your understanding of current events? How do you feel in the numerous conversations about current events that take place outside of class?

I feel the Barrack Obama's Victory was fair even though some of his speech had some false information. I feel the election went really great, even though the electoral votes were close up for John McCain to catch up Obama. I'm a democrat and I feel good that black people have gotten closer to accomplishment ever since slavery was a big issue that affected all races, because rights were different before, but know it gives me happiness that Black people have arrived to a high position in presidential spot. Well, I don't mean to be biased towards by black side in me, but I hope we black people get certain privileges now that we have a black folk as our speaker to our country. Even though this is a pro to the black culture because now many black individuals are going to be able to succeed in many aspects of life, such as there is always big concerns to this Obama victory like assassination that has been attempted, so I fear that Obama is not going to last those 4 committed years in the presidential spot. I Believe in Obama and I know he is going to be a great Leader, and follow after Martin Luther King JR. just in a different position in Leadership!

I feel the way I got to understand current events always being found by using the Blogger forum, I feel that when I write blogs I have to really know what I'm talking about or else it won't make sense to many people that view it or me. I actually like the idea of us students having to search many article and type about them and speak free of our opinion towards the issue. I've been able to keep up with this assignment because it's interesting to do, and I'm constantly reminded of this. The way I think I can improve focus in class by replacing journal writing in class with current events being shared all the time by others or teachers and freely discuss about them. I opened my current event knowledge to expand and be more appealed to it as how I lacked before this class, before politics were just a issue now I focus on whatever is happening in the political world because it can affect many individuals like me. When I bring political conversations outside of class many look at me with a "Whata Hell Is He Talking About " Look and I feel that they need to be more open-minded because I am, irritation comes to mind many times because many are lost during the conversations or those don't know what to say

Part 2:
Post a highly detailed specific plan to develop your product for the H2O Project. You must post:
a) All resources needed
b) All people needed
c) A detailed schedule for yourself that runs day by day from tomorrow for two weeks.
Please be as complete as possible and be highly specific, accurate and responsible in this plan. your resources will be distributed based on the completeness of your plan.

Please also ensure that the google doc is 100% accurate and complete.

My Question- "Does the appearance of clean-clear water deceive people into thinking is harmless?"

My steps to develop this H20 project are by going to multiple different beaches that are polluted and some that are not so much and basically prove a point that water can be harmful no matter what state of cleanliness it has gone through and also ask random people of all kind that are found in the right place at the right time, I will ask people my thesis question and find their opinion. Basically after I got different samples of water treated I will explain to those people what the clear water contains and if it's harmful.

I will ask

  • Surfers
  • swimmers
  • beach people walking
  • Probability lifeguards or beach managers
There will be multiple question concerning if clarification is needed or if individual is interested. It depends on the situation really because I don't want to keep people waiting to long if they need to go somewhere.

I am going to need a camera that records footage and samples bags that contain water as evidence with a small cooler to keep bags in. Also I'm going to limit myself with enough interviews that support my case instead of too much opinion and no facts.

The 1st week of the 9th- 16th of November, I'm going to be as focused , but still be open minded about things but I am going to recover footage and evidence by this week and week after that, I'm going to finish up on anything that needs to be done like an essay or website or final edit on footage.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

2 questions !

Post two research questions that you are considering exploring for the H2O Project. With each question, post the beginnings of your research. This should consist of a summary of your ideas for each question accompanied by links to relevant documents, news stories, maps, images, video, or other media.

  1. Can a clear-beach appearance lie to the safety of avoiding pollution in the water?
My Ideas, I am going to actually surf the internet for further research on this question because it is a difficult topic to break down. But as I further found was that yes, clear water in beaches can still be polluted with bacteria and some sewage, but some areas are irritated by sewage and bacteria more because the own crowds of people don't become respectful and pick up trash. I'm going to have to connect a lot of topics together to be able to find out a really broad answer.
These links right here are my evidence:
2. How do different beaches keep up with maintenance and in what San Diego areas are they done often?

Some areas have sensors or water waste systems to automatically shut down a certain part of the beach or to evacuate and close down beach until further notice. In some areas their is many society problems that are concern with weather problems. All areas have different weather, so it all depends because other places are sunny, while others cloudy, so maintenance varies many times. I'm also using the appendix to show me throughout the years how certain SD Counties varied with closure, so I can get a simplified answer.
These links right here are my evidence: