Wednesday, January 21, 2009

FDR's Inaugural Speech and How it affects Modern Society!!

Select an inaugural address or farewell address from any president in American history. Then, in a thoughtfully composed essay, explain the relevance of the selected address in modern society. You must also directly refer to at least one current event through a related news article.

Franklin D. Roosevelt took the role of the presidency in 1933 during a severe time. He faced challenges ahead of him such as Hard Economics, World War II, and Citizen Unemployment. In today’s society, America’s wary attitude should have learned by past economic crisis that was later mentioned through FDR’s Inaugural Address speech.

“Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”, that was verbalized from Franklin D. Roosevelt in his position of becoming the 32nd president in 1933. When he was elected he wished on people to regain them with faith as his own motivation was to change the world around through his "New Deal". His new deal observed the time dedication of 100 days to monitor the economic struggle, and find hopes for wealth to be spread around due to every individuals investment plan need to survive. As the 1st deal expanded it's time because of the issue of his belief not happening yet, he explored his beliefs of renewing the "New Deal" for another year. As the struggle got worst he wasn't able to recover the issue, but still was able to keep his head up and establish at least getting a small-good portion of citizens; jobs, housing and agriculture relief. As for modern society, president Obama has now the world in his hands to face the new 08’economic crisis with his belief of stimulus checks being the probable result to relief the issue. As president Obama’s 1st stimulus check was sent out to many American citizens, as relief that is sounds on the long run, it’s guessed that one stimulus check wasn’t enough to straighten the situation. As President Obama’s 2nd stimulus check gets distributed again with a higher quantity for many citizens could be a better result this time or could lead Obama mistaking FDR’s past failures.

When it lead to the WW II, money wishing started to get really tight entitled to paying money towards weapons for the war to enforce the U.S. and multiple pennies that individuals wanted to keep & save, just incase bankruptcy was going to lead the only option due to the severe economic crisis. Many citizens still had their hopes up to believing the Inaugural address of FDR, was going to be changed around sooner or later. When President Obama had to face bush’s mistake in going into war with Iraq, there was no other way to tackle the issue but involve money expenses to be taken care of by the American society for war operations. In the comparison of WWII and Iraq war, on WWII expenses were high due to the war operations that U.S. established to ally with than Iraq because of the due to allying with Soviet Union, British Empire and China. In these quotes shows that Iraq war wasn't stated more valuable than WWII.

"The price tag in Iraq now is more than double the cost of the Korean War and a third more expensive than the Vietnam War" Vs.

"Only World War II was more expensive".

To also add on with roles for citizens to attempt to get employed became tough due to the limitation of positions in different job fields. In FDR's Inaugural Address speech, stated that unemployment became a big issue towards the denying of expanding work positions and salary boosting, such as in this quote; "More important, a host of unemployed citizens face the grim problem of existence, and an equally great number toil with little return." In the 08' economy issue, the unemployement rate rised higher than "Many Mountains" in the Great Depression, for example here in this quote: "Worst year for jobs since '45, Annual loss biggest since end of World War II. Unemployment rate rises to 7.2%."

To concluding FDR's unmet expectations and Obama's recent decisions, in today's society if modern crisis is given a longer time, it could reach up to a bigger scale of the Great Depression.

1 comment:

yaya said...

Something that stroked me the most was the structure that he used. The essay was well written and good use of evidence.