Wednesday, January 7, 2009

George Bush Protects Marine Areas VS. George Bush and His Environmental Sins

This is something very random that Mr. George W. Bush would do in life because he came from creating environmental disaster to the whole economy such as war over rich oil and no attempt to stop global warming. Now, He is saving marine life in open water by restricting publicity from Sea Shepard and extinction of unique animal and three new marine national monuments. The way Mr. Bush views himself is as a big time disgrace by all means because he simply showed that decisions weren't being done right and was actually stressed about many life & death situations due to the middle eastern war. The ex- president is now trying to make a huge remembrance at the last minute due to his departure soon from the office, even though it's a great thing that he is doing by helping marine areas and ocean conservancy monitor the seas for the sake of animals, but.... it won't really change my attitude towards hi m and his ways that he ruled the office.

As Mr. Bush keeps in remembrance with everyone that he created the economy issue and war-over-rich oil issue and global warming issue, he knows that his life outside the white house will never be the same but one thing I know that President Barrack Obama is going to create resolution to all the environmental sins that bush made. The ideas will resolute the issues below stated on "Bush's seven deadly environmental sins":
  1. Blew hot air on global warming
  2. Failed to regulate greenhouse gases at home
  3. Failed to develop clean energy sources
  4. Abandoned endangered species
  5. Carved up the American West for oil and gas excavation
  6. Not seeing the forest or the trees
  7. Choked our clean-air standards

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