Friday, January 30, 2009

20 Questions! 2 Ask

Post 20 interview questions that you could ask of your mentor (or other suitably interesting and relevant person at your internship).

The next time I see my mentor I will ask them a few questions about how they got the workplace, and also how they feel overall about their personality growing throughout their work environment.

Stephen X. Pineda
Interview Questions

1. As a high school student, what inspired you to go to UC Berkley?

2. What major interests did you have when you chose to move from UC Berkley to San Diego's own “UCSD”?

3. Did your previous thoughts of study majors differ by major experience and was it for the worst or the best?

4. What accomplishes did you make to succeed forward in both UC Berkley and UCSD?

5. What feeling do you get when you know that you accomplished something?

6. As in the Speech-giving segment, can you give us an example of you giving a successful speech or not at UC Berkley and UCSD?

7. When you graduated at UCSD in 2006, what major were you entitled to?

8. After college life, how were you informed about the Reality Changers organization?

9. What personal impact did the organization reflect on you as a viewer?

10. How did you become part of the Reality changers organization?

11. Did you ever expect this job and why?

12. In the employment area, do you feel that the role you have was the one you wanted and why?

13. What are Pros and Cons at the Reality Changers workplace?

14. Do you feel your personality has grown throughout your work or changed perhaps and why?

15. How have you resolved your issues that have dealt within the workplace such as stress issues or personal issues?

16. Do you feel you work well among others and can you give us an example?

17. Why did you decide to take on an intern?

18. Did you take on any internships yourself and what were they?

19. What were some of the benefits later on from going to that internship?

20. What advice would you give an intern like me, if they wanted the workplace you are at?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My 1st day of Internship!

1st day of internship contained many tours around the workplace and some specific guidelines to follow such as signing in/out, making sure progress gets done and ideas become brainstormed for internship project, and also focus on tasking by myself with issues of assistance. I got to my internship by bus, but arrived a little late due to traffic and bus breakdown on route 10. I felt that mentors were going to feel worried or angered by my arrival, but on the contrary they weren't bothered by it (I know that mistake of arriving late will not be repeated).

Today, I ate fast-food Burger King because it was nearby from my internship location, and enjoyed my lunch greatly. I am probably going to be able to spend lunch with my mentors in order to become friendly in a personal level outside of work. I am pretty much looking forward to that for thursday coming up. I got home from a ride from my mom's because she works close by in mission hills and she also came to pick up my sister since my sister's school is in the same building as my internship. I felt calm and stress-free when I went home because of my tour and the courteousy that was given to me making me feel comfortable with all staff.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

FDR's Inaugural Speech and How it affects Modern Society!!

Select an inaugural address or farewell address from any president in American history. Then, in a thoughtfully composed essay, explain the relevance of the selected address in modern society. You must also directly refer to at least one current event through a related news article.

Franklin D. Roosevelt took the role of the presidency in 1933 during a severe time. He faced challenges ahead of him such as Hard Economics, World War II, and Citizen Unemployment. In today’s society, America’s wary attitude should have learned by past economic crisis that was later mentioned through FDR’s Inaugural Address speech.

“Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”, that was verbalized from Franklin D. Roosevelt in his position of becoming the 32nd president in 1933. When he was elected he wished on people to regain them with faith as his own motivation was to change the world around through his "New Deal". His new deal observed the time dedication of 100 days to monitor the economic struggle, and find hopes for wealth to be spread around due to every individuals investment plan need to survive. As the 1st deal expanded it's time because of the issue of his belief not happening yet, he explored his beliefs of renewing the "New Deal" for another year. As the struggle got worst he wasn't able to recover the issue, but still was able to keep his head up and establish at least getting a small-good portion of citizens; jobs, housing and agriculture relief. As for modern society, president Obama has now the world in his hands to face the new 08’economic crisis with his belief of stimulus checks being the probable result to relief the issue. As president Obama’s 1st stimulus check was sent out to many American citizens, as relief that is sounds on the long run, it’s guessed that one stimulus check wasn’t enough to straighten the situation. As President Obama’s 2nd stimulus check gets distributed again with a higher quantity for many citizens could be a better result this time or could lead Obama mistaking FDR’s past failures.

When it lead to the WW II, money wishing started to get really tight entitled to paying money towards weapons for the war to enforce the U.S. and multiple pennies that individuals wanted to keep & save, just incase bankruptcy was going to lead the only option due to the severe economic crisis. Many citizens still had their hopes up to believing the Inaugural address of FDR, was going to be changed around sooner or later. When President Obama had to face bush’s mistake in going into war with Iraq, there was no other way to tackle the issue but involve money expenses to be taken care of by the American society for war operations. In the comparison of WWII and Iraq war, on WWII expenses were high due to the war operations that U.S. established to ally with than Iraq because of the due to allying with Soviet Union, British Empire and China. In these quotes shows that Iraq war wasn't stated more valuable than WWII.

"The price tag in Iraq now is more than double the cost of the Korean War and a third more expensive than the Vietnam War" Vs.

"Only World War II was more expensive".

To also add on with roles for citizens to attempt to get employed became tough due to the limitation of positions in different job fields. In FDR's Inaugural Address speech, stated that unemployment became a big issue towards the denying of expanding work positions and salary boosting, such as in this quote; "More important, a host of unemployed citizens face the grim problem of existence, and an equally great number toil with little return." In the 08' economy issue, the unemployement rate rised higher than "Many Mountains" in the Great Depression, for example here in this quote: "Worst year for jobs since '45, Annual loss biggest since end of World War II. Unemployment rate rises to 7.2%."

To concluding FDR's unmet expectations and Obama's recent decisions, in today's society if modern crisis is given a longer time, it could reach up to a bigger scale of the Great Depression.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama's Inauguration!!

January 20, 2009
In Barack Obama's Inaugural adress, I felt that a certain stood out to me more than others and it is an obvious thing that we as a nation are always forgetting about us. That section is

"For they have forgotten what this country has already done; what free men and women can achieve when imagination is joined to common purpose, and necessity to courage. " Barack Obama, Inaguration adress.

I chose that section due to past experiences of similar issues that I faced, He or She faced or We faced because as my life in the U.S. nation we exempt our selves to become focused on the issues that the nation has faced. I , as a citizen has been constantly reminded about all the bad things in life instead of all the accomplishments we had made as a Free Land Nation. In an example of this quote is that Obama is a victim of this quote due to his outspoken presence for his common purpose while suffered at same time the necessity to courage himself in order to be heard.

Listening to this quote can bring many different examples of historical literature, and obviously all leading figures abstract from this same stage to become heard and a useful resource to the political party.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Huey P. Newton, Civil Rights Activist, Leader & Co-Founder of Black Panther Party for Self Defense

"No bullet can stop us now, we neither beg nor we won't bow; Neither can be bought nor sold."- Bob Marley, Rastafarian Reggae Artist

Both Bob Marley and Huey P. Newton were victims of racial prejudice due to their black roots, yet they were both able to become heroes to the african american race; Newton became famous for being one of the founders of the Black Panther Party and Marley became famous because he spoke about slavery in his hit single "Jammin".

  • Bob Marley's tribute to the Rastafarian Movement and aspiring as a Reggae Artist

-Earlier life when he experienced Racial Prejudice for being biracial and overcomes the prejudice obstacle with his belief of "Who He Is".

-Marley's Highlights towards musical success and opposing belief towards surgical illneses by religion choice.

-Bob's Last Golden Days till illness issue departure him from life.

  • Huey P. Newton and success to be a civil rights activist!

- Earlier Life before when he learned how to read and read Philosophies that inspired him to become a leader.

- History with BBP, how he and Bobby Seale managed to fund the organization and how their violent contribute made recognition through out Oakland.

- Newton and his confronts with the law forces, murder charges, and his closing-curtains.

To concluding Newton's belief of fairness in civil rights, his potent words fired to many blacks and brought them against federal ruling and walked them tall with motivation of equality to all mankind. Without Newton's belief and boldness, the world for many blacks wouldn't be the same if any stand wasn't taken then by any means.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Artist Statement Outline

Huey P. Newton, Civil Rights Activist, Leader & Co-Founder of Black Panther Party for Self Defense

"No bullet can stop us now, we neither beg nor we won't bow; Neither can be bought nor sold."
- Bob Marley, Rastafarian Reggae Artist

Newton was challenged my law forces and was still able to succeed from overcoming backed down and moving ahead without a bullet stopping him, or bowing down for his violent presence to be bought.

  • Bob Marley's tribute to the Rastafarian Movement and aspiring as a Reggae Artist
-Earlier life when he experienced Racial Prejudice for being biracial and overcomes the prejudice obstacle with his belief of "Who He Is".

-Marley's Highlights towards musical success and opposing belief towards surgical illneses by religion choice.

-Bob's Last Golden Days till illness issue departure him from life.

  • Huey P. Newton and success to be a civil rights activist!
- Earlier Life before when he learned how to read and read Philosophies that inspired him to become a leader.

- History with BBP, how he and Bobby Seale managed to fund the organization and how their violent contribute made recognition through out Oakland.

- Newton and his confronts with the law forces, murder charges, and his closing-curtains.

To concluding Newton's belief of fairness in civil rights, his potent words fired to many blacks and brought them against federal ruling and walked them tall with motivation of equality to all mankind. Without Newton's belief and boldness, the world for many blacks wouldn't be the same if any stand wasn't taken then by any means.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

George Bush Protects Marine Areas VS. George Bush and His Environmental Sins

This is something very random that Mr. George W. Bush would do in life because he came from creating environmental disaster to the whole economy such as war over rich oil and no attempt to stop global warming. Now, He is saving marine life in open water by restricting publicity from Sea Shepard and extinction of unique animal and three new marine national monuments. The way Mr. Bush views himself is as a big time disgrace by all means because he simply showed that decisions weren't being done right and was actually stressed about many life & death situations due to the middle eastern war. The ex- president is now trying to make a huge remembrance at the last minute due to his departure soon from the office, even though it's a great thing that he is doing by helping marine areas and ocean conservancy monitor the seas for the sake of animals, but.... it won't really change my attitude towards hi m and his ways that he ruled the office.

As Mr. Bush keeps in remembrance with everyone that he created the economy issue and war-over-rich oil issue and global warming issue, he knows that his life outside the white house will never be the same but one thing I know that President Barrack Obama is going to create resolution to all the environmental sins that bush made. The ideas will resolute the issues below stated on "Bush's seven deadly environmental sins":
  1. Blew hot air on global warming
  2. Failed to regulate greenhouse gases at home
  3. Failed to develop clean energy sources
  4. Abandoned endangered species
  5. Carved up the American West for oil and gas excavation
  6. Not seeing the forest or the trees
  7. Choked our clean-air standards

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Internship Questions

Please answer all of the following before
11:59:59 pm on 1/6/09. You should write a brief paragraph for each answer (this entry does not require a link to a news story).

1. What do you hope to learn or discover about the "adult" world of work while you are at your internship?

My hopes for discovery due to the Adult world of work, are that 1st I get to experience many acceptions and rejections in many situations, so I don't get surprised later on. Then, I get to learn how to be really flexible and become a great multi-skill person for future references. My big motive is to get the best out of this experience in order to be a successful person, also try to make a semi-pro reputation for further notices or jobs.

2. What do you hope to learn or discover about yourself and your identity while you are at your internship this semester?

I also want to find out if my strengths that I experienced become eligible to a work field and
enough to make a company proud they interned me or future hire me. One good thing, I want to be able to find if my identity relies behind a big company or law job with a suit on or a man doing hard work at a construction site for someone else. I hope to discover my weaknesses and to improve them throughout the internship period.
3. What goals do you have for yourself for your internship experience?

My #1 goal that I hope to discover is my career field, because overall right now I am just sampling many types of fields. I rely on this goal to be discovered soon in order to start preparing and searching up on that specific field, so I can also find colleges that support that field for the future.