Thursday, February 26, 2009

Internship Immersion flight

As you prepare for your internship immersion, please answer the following questions:

1. What are you most excited about in regards to your immersion experience? Why do you feel this way?

1st to start is that, I been pretty chill in my workplace because I know my mentor really well and everyone else that works around her. I feel that my tasks have been pretty easy to do and my project is coming along really quickly with all further adue. I'm pretty excited that I am going to be going to lunch meeting with staff, the executive director, and last but not least my mentor. I feel that I have alot at large during immersion week, my schedule is pretty busy towards many events I will be participating in, one last thing I know for a fact I'm getting work done now, and will be getting work done later.

2. What are you most concerned about (what causes the most stress) regarding immersion? Why do you feel this way?

One thing that concerns me the most is my project because it been not lasting a whole semester and I feel that I will have to make multiple small projects since my projects are one idea narrow. Another thing, is that I haven't been able to get my supplies to demonstrate my 1st project so I hope to get it quick, so procrasination won't cross my path. I feel pretty upset towards this because I do not know what to do to release it fully, and I hope other classes would have easy layed out work because it piles at the beginning of my week already.

-Hopefully I resolve my stress to hope in a great manner!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Progressive Era

How Progressive was the Progressive Era?

How progressive was the Progressive Era in American history?

Things to consider (choose some, not all!):

* Workers & Working Conditions?

* Imperialism?

* Civil Liberties?

Make sure that you take a stand and establish a judgement, comparison in relation to a specific standard.

The progressive Era was a time period that initiated reformity throughout the United States by industrials, the progressive advocated lying upon economic, political and social reforms. Throughout the years, the movement remained really successful due to the local level of society, then after progressed through different states and became something many socities misbehave towards nationally. The Progressive era was obtained by reformers that were inside the middle class bracket and higher. Within the progressive era bracket my main arguments lied upon Civil rights, imperialism, and workers & working conditions.

What I have to say is that behind the scenes, the workers & working conditions were horrible treated by waging standards and lack of education by family income means getting in minors lives'. Many workers started young and the only think they knew was to get instant income because they knew that money spoke everywhere, even though many bosses knew that they cheated out their workers, workers were defense less due to no education.

The last issue that was fought throughout was imperialism and basically that established with continental countries that all fought with wanting take a piece of power and extending it long ways to own 3rd world countries like Africa because it was known to having a many natural resources. This issue established moments like the Boxer Rebellion, the panama canal, and Spanish- American war.

In the civil rights movement, the regulations were placed different such as the African American society had to flow with many other individual of not owning rights by color and many individuals had to restrain their votes from polls, also the White American society seen the black society as a property to them for example many black maids.

As you can see that these issues that happened way before acted upon through a tough situation of how progressive the era was back then and there will never be something so chaotic how this was and made a trademark in history.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Outstanding Blogz

What blogs are out there with outstanding examples of:

1. Economic advice to Barack Obama?
2. Literary Analysis?
3. Historical Writing?
4. Anything else that makes blogs great?

Quote examples for each and explain why you picked them! Show us and tell us what makes them great!

I believe that Daniel Ludolf's economic advisor blog entry impacted me with great writing techniques. I felt that Daniel Ludolf convinced me in his entry with having to backup new points. I hope that I can take some of ludolf's writing experience in creating my own opinionized-persuasive writing. Ludolf's historical reference actually make a connection with now and how obama's idea for stimulus should be used for consumerism, but most of it should be put in employment in order so the employment rate can go down in order so more people enhance consumerism. His flow of writing made me understand in a simplified way and not too much complicated words made my reading passage become a roadblock. The literary analysis were few but were very clear and if I was a person that read it for the 1st time, I believe I would have the message clear in no time. This quote below shows an example of connecting his main idea to a current event that successfully connected with the same idea:
"When unemployment rates it has been shown to produce spending cutbacks and that alone can hurt the economy according to John Kemp. " -Daniel Ludolf
Now a quote of a historical reference from JP Morgan chase:
We've lent some of it. We've not lent some of it. We've not given any accounting of, 'Here's how we're doing it."
I hope to read more of Ludolf's work because I seem to be intersted in his flow of writing and One day I want to accomplish that same nomination feeling that I'm giving him.

Charles Darwin history

Darwin was a famous scientist.... As humanities students (and humans), what responsibility do we have for the understanding of science? What role should scientific inquiry and scientific knowledge play in our own society? How should science influence our decisions, laws, and culture?

I believe that we as humanities students have personally gone through a revolution of refining ideas and many theories in our life. We normally understand science by having a part in hands on objects, and for a normal understanding we conclude positive when we see theories done in from of us. I also know that for fact that we as a educational society follow teacher advice and we rarely witness it by ourselves. Mr. Charles Darwin was a human that insisted in putting his ideas to the test and his imagination was infinite towards his understanding of life and how the human life reacted towards sexual attitude and responding attitude. We as a society take a risk of taking on scientific decisions because of what the society portrays it to be true or false but to our understanding we learn to trust decision by human experience or society's belief. Science goes longs ways and will be either proven or remain a mystery, but we know very well how to evolve with human experience or society's belief.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Give advice to Barrack Obama~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Well, if I had a chance to help Obama redirect the American economy, I would most likely focus on a few aspects that would structure the say in the American economy. My main focus would have to do with poverty in order to help each individual or family stabilize their home and the way it can be adjusted would be by employment at big corporations or small businesses. Since Mr. Obama has already to much on his plate and he feels that cutting certain things might help restructure economy, why don’t we view it by a worker’s point of view and employ many people in order for them to maintain their home stability. While the winnings for businesses aren’t going to be made with a lot of profit at first, they will eventually going to be brought back with many tax cuts of check earnings throughout few years. Eventually throughout more employment opportunities, the economy will build up stability through checks of employees in corporations and small business. Looking back in the great depression, the “New Deal” method was presented and only made the year worse with people leeching off from the stimulus checks and caused former president Franklin D. Roosevelt to create a second “New Deal” bundle for the following year. The society savings became a bigger disaster, so it made every single person save as much pennies as they can for future struggles. In the quote below shows errors that were done due to desperation of wanting to fix the economy after 1933;

"State governors had shut down every bank and every bank account was frozen--no one could get a bank loan or cash checks or get at their deposits. Unemployment was 25% and higher in major industrial and mining centers. ”

In the end, it's just disappointment to new modern America in 2 aspects, first While Mr. Obama was confirming the stimulus deals with getting it passed the legislation, the people were collecting money and saving every single dime. By the time the stimulus checks are sent, society will not follow the economics opinion of "spending it" in a time in need, because families and individuals will have other responsibilities to take care of such as taxes, savings bonds, and last but not least many other personal properties. The second aspect relates to industrial revolution-- times when children were forced to work along with parents to make end's meet. Now in modern America, times have changed young teens are wanting to purposely get a job because of personal needs that parents cannot cover and so responsibility can get to their name. Unfortunately since the big corporations are worrying about profiting by hires , many seem that unemployment becomes high while economy struggles, and creates chaos between families of having an ideal of not meeting sufficiency. In this statistic it shows the unemployment rate in the state of California;

"Rank: 48 State: CALIFORNIA Unemployment Rate: 8.4 (in late 08')"

In concluding this leads me to follow and explain that there is more than one way about it to solve to employment issue and the liability of young adults having the hand to follow with helping out the economic system with their jobs that benefit their needs as aswell.

"New Deal." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 11 Feb. 2009. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 10 Feb. 2009

"Unemployment State By State." CNN © 2009 Cable News Network. 11 Feb. 2009

Yang, Jia L. "The truth about stimulus and the Depression." CNN 11 Feb. 2009. © 2009 Cable News Network. 11 Feb. 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Give Advice to Barrack Obama~`

Well, if I had a chance to help Obama redirect the American economy, I would most likely focus on a few aspects that would structure the say in the American economy. My main focuses would have to do with poverty in order to help everyone out instead of just one person. Since Mr. Obama has already has to much on his plate and he feels that cutting certain things might help restructure risen taxes. Why don't looking at it from a worker's point of view, allowing multiple jobs hire many people could actually rise the economic tax cut from people's checks instead of looking for " New Deals" from former president FDR. All the "new deal" plan brought a lot of saving up due to individuals pocket in case of wealth worry. In the quote below shows errors that were done due to desperation and wanting to fix the issue quick,

At the end of all it just disappointed new modern America even more, While you Mr. Obama are confirming the stimulus deals, people are collecting money and not trying to spend a dime. By the time the stimulus checks are sent no one is going to really care about your opinion of "spending it", everyone is just going to leech from you one check at a time. Also Mr. Obama let me explain to you about industrial revolution and how it affected child poverty then and now, you might think that kids these days have a purpose to perform their necessities, back then times were runned by children forced to run factories and trying to make ends meet for family income. While now modern society kids, are decisioned to help their family prevent poverty but I'm guessing companies don't want to pay the labor so they are not attempting to hire but are letting many families go crazy with the ideal of not meeting sufficiency.
Back then:
And Now:
So know I rest my case to show that back then, a damn wasn't given to child labor and now it's very restricted due to dangerous working conditions. See so know cutting your teens from working cut the ability to rise the economy by basically deducting cash from all teens workers and adults.

My Intern interview will be on Next Tuesday, the date 2/10/09 and will be held in a room at my intern site around 2pm.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Interview Principles

With your reading & writing partner create three design principles for a great final product. For each design principle, give it a name, write a brief explanation (two or three sentences that show how to do it, what the design principle looks like in a final product, etc.), and show a professional, published example of this design principle in action.

Like this:

1. Design Principle Name: Two or three sentence explanation. Professional, published

For each example, include a quote into your blog and provide a link to the whole interview.

  • Strong question that has research and info behind it with an in depth answer:
  • Focus on Interviewee while Host is hidden: you do not see the interviewer once in the entire film. but you do hear him asking the questions while the interviewee listens to questions & answers them to his full extent. (

  • Both individuals shown & flows conversation like: Interview Host and interviewee are clearly visible on screen at least once while the interview flows as a smooth conversation with the questions being answered with great information and evidence to back up what they are saying. (