Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Beginning My Reflection *

For each example, write a detailed paragraph explaining why you are proud of this work. Then, write a detailed paragraph explaining how you accomplished this--what were the steps in the process that led to a positive result?

A project that gave me a positive spirit was the Newspaper Article, the reason why because cooperating with others brought me so many views in how a real newspaper business communicates with everyone working their best at their station. What I admired the most out of this project was how the group I was in cooperated well and split the big idea with certain sections like the 3rd Lincoln-Douglas Debate was split into 3 sections and they were both senators perspectives, and then the big idea overall of the whole debate. I was proud that my piece had a really good flow going on and had many people give really good compliments due to my writing and this became a really good highlight of my 11th grade.

The way I accomplished this project was that I was always really consistent of incoming drafts and having them ready by the next morning expecting more stages of drafting & revision. I also accomplished my writing piece with many different high-quality words, that enhanced my language in the humanities class because due to all the writing and reading in class, I manage to learn and rip words that would make my writing piece more interesting and enjoyable. I enjoyed so much the experience to work for a project in the newspaper business because I got to feel like a real editor.

My second product that came in through the diamonds in the rough was my H2O project, after striving for hard work and closely to the end giving up for a few days, I manage to thank one special person that provided me with ideas to still improve and to avoid giving up through a hard situation that I was facing in class. If it was never for that person I think that I would of rose up my comfort and would of let my grade be something that I deserved for a unfinished product. My finishing product was a informational video of Turbidity that I made throughout the weeks we were given and then still managed through to reference the outline and guideline papers to produce high quality.

These steps were pretty complicated at first, I followed my plans and outline to structure my video product and then just followed my interview process of originating with 12 interviews and then after picking out good informative footage. Slowly process through working in Final Cut Pro and not getting anywhere but slicing footage, few days got inspired to use iMovie program to make my life easier. The reason behind that was because the 1st day I almost had all my video done with the program being easier for my opinion. A day after expecting to finish product but a cause of malfunction in the iMovie program caused me to remain stumble for few days. After this roadblock happening to me, I troublesome did not know where to steer in a good direction after this because all I can remember were the words of randy that angrily-hurted me when he said " I'm Sorry, the deadlines today at 3:30". Overall I reached success because of that extra push a classmate gave me that necessarily wasn't expected to happen, I thank that person because she knew that I was emotionally damaged with my unfinished product. Now, I am able to pick myself up and gain motivation and confidence through this project that I expected never to finish.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sea Shepherd Gone LUDACRIS!!

Then, answer one of the following in a well-developed essay with thoughtfully chosen evidence:

1. Who is "right" in the controversy involving whaling and the Sea Shepherd?

I feel that paul watson is right in this situation because he is saving whales from extinction and he is doing so much to the point of risking his life. He has dedicated his life to protect whales from becoming bait from seaships. In the article of Neptune's Navy, watson shows that he is not correct from doing defending whales but he is located in international waters so, it's like a "Who Cares" situation. After reading alot from the article Watson is an expert at this game because he has been shooting down clowns years ago for their obsessive fetish with whales. He has been into many brutal attacks by other ships and their rebellioness and has received many beatdowns concerning for the protection of the whales. Watson has risked his life many times and has experienced twice almost-a-drowning situation and for him to still remain in
his ship for another adventure he has put up alot.

Watson has had many associations offer help such as recruiting more people, but he likes to ride with a limit of a few passengers due to the concern of life-risks that many people have paniced about. Watson is a type of person that has his head screwed-on-right and he knows what he is facing before he does it, so for his appreciation he has donor that donate or his expedition to continue and so he can change the marine life forever.

  • I believe Watson is right and now well respected from me

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

(2. Arana writes: "Isn't it time for the language to move on?" How do you feel about this? Why?)

The language of race identity has been twined together in many ways and has brought up successful views of accomplishments, on the contrary it has brought tension between racial history and preventing future advancements.

The way this article let me feel about Obama and his Bicultural Case and many
questions that were posed to the editorial about races feeling about his culture and many ways it can affect the presidency. The Language has changed through out the different generations that have passed on and came in, for many individuals they are stuck with the originated language they grew up in and it's hard for many to see over many experiences for example "The phrase was repeated in much the same form by one media organization after another. It's as if we have one foot in the future and another still mired in the Old South" - as said from Marie Arana in her Editorial. As Marie Arana touched up on her biracial experience and how her both races were distinct. Later spoke on her White racial trail of her mother was easy to trace and how her Peruvian side from her father took longer to analyze and it probably went way back that it can be crossed with African race.

I strongly disagree with Marie Arana because it can be a offensive question to many African Americans that actually try to forget their past, even though it can be really hard because it is a big impact of history that blacks faced and passed down the history through their bloodline. I disagree even though it might seem to other races that it should be already over even though old black folks still share their tales of the slaves. "Todo plátano tiene su manchita negra," as said from Marie Arana in her Editorial, probably can be true if you come to think of it but if you compare a small percentage to a big percentage like 50 % and up can mean something else because it becomes a big part of who you are. Even though it might seem more like we originated from the same place but others are farther to history while others are closer by skin color.

Color can make significance in appearance most of the time but also automatically categorizes individuals in wrong racial identities and achievements aren't reached . "I was trying to raise myself to be a black man in America, and beyond the given of my appearance, no one around me seemed to know exactly what that meant."- said from Barrack Obama in the memoirs "Dreams from my father", What I believe he is trying to explain is that he tried to do his best in the suit he was in but many people judge by appearance and were lost by where his goal was heading. Many racial views are being criticized because ages back best positions were given to the whites and all other races still didn't have a small lift to overcome back then. Now, The black culture is view in many positions that are superior for example slave-descendants Tiger woods, Halle berry and many more are achieving life-long goals and are posted on the media.

The future depends on individuals to make it and it's constantly being misjudged by racial criticism and that is the reason why many races judge. Many racial identities are only used to seeing one race being superior in dominant offices and that prevents opportunities for many colored individuals to accomplish goals because of tension that prohibits future advances because unity becomes an issue. "But Obama's ascent to the presidency is more than a triumph for blacks. It is the signal of a broad change with broad ramifications"- as Marie Anara said in her Editorial, this shows triumph for blacks as well shows tension to whites because the presidency spot is used to view itself being runned by a white individual while acceptance becomes an issue then leads to assassinations (for example JFK, and almost Obama, but plot was stopped before). It upsets me that we had acceptance for the past white presidents while our 1st biracial president can't get acceptance with his plan yet and strongly believe because of his color.

As we route through our general thought, we can tell the language still needs time to fade off over its history and realize new events are generating through life and acceptance is going to be a matter in future obstacles.